Friday, September 28, 2007

The Boring Week

This happens when your mind doesn't equate what your heart feels. No matter how hard you try to dig in, sometimes you just don't find anything from within. You can't write anything and you still try to suppress what you feel but it doesn't help. Don't worry. This kind of things happens. It will be over soon.

Theory, it all boils down to what happened this past few days...oh, nothing happened. That sums it all.

'til I can fix my broken head.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Timecard

Nobody’s perfect! – That might be the motto for this September. Maybe not for all my doings this month, but looking at my timecard this day, whew…it was only the first working day of this month that I wasn’t late. Oh great! Not to mention that I'm not just minutes late, but sometimes, hours…too bad!

Let me state some valid and invalid reasons as well:

*_*Lately, I'm having a hard time waking up early. Or, I don’t get ample sleep at night. I’m slow to get up. The usual 5 more minutes thing. For the record, this is way too invalid. Sorry, I lack the discipline these days. Lah, bad reason.

*_*I overslept. I blame the vitamins (though I’m not consistently taking up vits these days) for its effect on my sleeping habits. See? Invalid, though.

*_*I find it difficult to get a ride going to the train station. I always miss the benefit of hitching with my father’s ride because of the reasons stated above. Now I got more null reasons.

*_*Lack of enough motivation to go to work and sometimes lack of inspiration to start a day maybe because I was somewhat stupid or I was feeling stupid that day.

*_*Heavy traffic. Bad Rain. Delayed train. Oh well, lame excuses.

*_*I did some unofficial business like lining-up for some university cheering competition and/basketball game tickets. Okay. That was valid in my honest self. *wink* Far more important than getting bored at work. At least I know I was doing it for some…nevermind.

Some reasons are just unacceptable. I value time much as I respect others with it. I still have three days atleast for this month to make-up. I can start that tomorrow. Hopefully…

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Blog Pilot

“No thinking – that comes later! You must write your draft first with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is… to write, not to think!”

Some years ago I was able to watch this 2000 film entitled Finding Forrester. Prior to that, I was not really into writing stuff but after I heard those lines, it made me think, no, actually it made me write. A thing that struck me the most is that all of us have the capability to write (though not as well as to those who make writing as their living) but as real as we can be – as long as we let go what’s inside.

A lot of us have difficulties expressing ourselves. We find it hard to say things so we kept them inside. Good thing, after God created heaven and earth, he blessed us with the knowledge of a much easier way of conveying what’s within – the gift of scribbling letters on a blank sheet. Then, it all comes to life. What we just need to do is punch our keys and let our heart speak through our hands. By doing that we are able to express thoughts running through our head and truths running through our heart.

First write with your heart, and then write with your hand. Need I say more? Or should I state, need I write more?