Tuesday, October 30, 2007

LSS: Samson

"You are my sweetest downfall,
I loved you first, I loved you first"


I am lightheaded today, I got some brain plague.

After listening to music or getting dragged by a melodramatic scene, then all of the sudden you’ll hear yourself subconsciously humming the last song you heard all through out the day or all through out your journey going to your workplace or anywhere, that’s Last Song Syndrome. Basically, LSS is defined as the repeatedly and subconsciously singing the last song heard but has it reached your mind that there could be a good explanation why this observable fact occurs.

(I can’t find it in wiki so I had to resort into some deep sites for some related articles)

If you are currently experiencing the above mentioned symptoms, then you are having Earworms. Yes, they are called earworms as popularized by a University of Cincinnati professor James Kellaris. A loan translation from the German word Ohrwurm which is a term for a song struck in one’s head. They are horrifying parasites, you can’t get rid of them, you can’t let them go, and there is no cure – perfect for the term earworm.

Other terms for earworm are cognitive itch, brain itch, jukebox virus, sticky tunes, melodymania or the more famous term last song syndrome.

So the next time you got infected by these crappy brain tunes, you can say:

“Oh, I got some earworms! Wanna have some?”

Thursday, October 25, 2007


If I go crazy then will you still
Call me superman
If I'm alive and well, will you be
There, holding my hand
I'll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might

Have you ever thought that the thing that keeps you alive is the same kryptonite that weakens your heart? Or is it the other way around?

Untitled Letter

Good day everyone,

I wish I were writing under different circumstances.

I would like to inform you that my wife Leslie Cruz was part of the casualties in the Glorietta 2 Mall bombing in
Makati City, Philippines. She was supposed to have a minor out patient surgery at Makati Medical Center at 230pm.

I had taken a leave from work to accompany her there. We dropped off our daughter, Amber, at my parents place in QC to babysit at around
10am. We then proceeded to Makati and was there at 1230pm. Since she had been fasting in preparation for her procedure, she wanted to move around and listen to some music while I grabbed a bite to eat. We parked at the basement of Park Square 2, and headed for the Glorietta 2 entrance. We parted at the top of the escalator, she turned right towards Filbar's while I went left towards the restaurants. That was the last time I would see her.

Around 120pm, she had called me so that we can meet at the Glorietta 2 exit just in time to make her appointment. As I made my way there from Glorietta 1 through the connecting hallways, and was about to turn the corner, I heard 2 deep thumps and the shock-wave from the blast hit me. At that moment my heart dropped as I knew that the origin of the blast came from the same place where we were supposed to meet. I tried getting to where my wife was, but the dust was too much and it was as if I was staring at a white wall.

I still tried to convince myself that she was able to make it out, and that after ringing her mobile without a response only meant that she dropped it in the confusion. After 6 hours of searching from Makati Med to Ospital ng
Makati, the blast site, and back again to MMC - with the help of all the people I could get hold of, that I was able to get confirmation in what the state of my wife was.

My Dad and Uncle signaled me in from the ER of MMC. My Uncle (who's a doctor) asked me to describe Leslie's appearance to another group of doctors. I saw in the eyes of one that the description made sense. Instead of confirming it to me, they huddled together, then brought me to a small examination room. It was only through a digital camera that I was able to confirm (and deny) that she was indeed gone.

I have so many regrets. I should have met her sooner. I should have ran instead of a brisk walk. I should have not chose to park where I did. I should have braved the dust and went in the blast site. I should have ...

Today's the 4th day. It is still terribly difficult to breathe, let alone wake up realizing that your source of strength, your best friend doesn't lie beside you on your bed. That my deepest worry is when Amber starts asking for her Mama.

I am glad that Amber's too young to understand the loss and pain. In time I would like to tell her the details of how her mother died, but more importantly I would like to raise her as how her mother lived – a loving person, strong willed, decisive, caring, and nurturing. She has always cared for her family and friends, and sacrfied her career for being a full time mom and home maker.

As with all couples we had our ups and downs - none of which I regret not going through. The sweet is never as sweet without the sour. For almost 4 years of marriage, we've finally hit our balance in life only to be taken away in an instant. I have no regrets about our marriage. She has loved me and Amber beyond her capacity. I will always love her.

It is my first time to write to egroup as I've lurked and watched emails being sent to and fro. All I want now is that for each of the couples here is to cherish each moment that we spend with our loved ones. Pretty simple to say, very easy to take for granted.

Thank you all for the prayers. I would still like to ask you to please include Leslie in them until her 40th day so that the path to God's kingdom is well lit and she is no longer in the dark.


Carlo Cruz

***Last night I just saw this on the news channel and it occurred to my mind if I can get a copy of this letter just to see the content. Unexpectedly, early this morning it was forwarded into my inbox. Apparently, I was moved after reading this one so I just want to share it. We can never categorize this letter, but what is written by heart will always stay forever in our lives. So much pain, yet so much love. May she find eternal peace and her loved ones live in God's grace.***

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Find Your Sharks

I am being hound by my shark today and I need to engage so I'll make this quick.

We were always told that in order to have a fruitful life we have to find our sharks. However, what we were not told is how to deal after finding them. This is a common paradox in life. We were told what to do but the rest and how to do it is always up to us. We have to learn fast or else it will cost us everything and everything left of us.

Upon facing these fierce predators, we tend to become very cautious not to make any mistake to avoid finding ourselves bleeding under their serrated white teeth. We even avoid unnecessary movements and play dead just to let them pass. That's why most of us stay out of the water. We know we can out-swim them for a dry land, so we never give it a chance.

But what if it is the only one who can unleash the best character we have. Would you still play safe out of the water or would you engage even you might find yourself broken and bleeding into smaller pieces inside their stomach?

By the way, people kill thousand more sharks every year than the other way around, so enjoy finding one. Ouch! Hey shark! It hurts!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Under My Umbrella

While rainy days are far from leaving our country, maybe it’s still a perfect time to relive the umbrella etiquette. Once in a while we usually get irritated by those who don’t act well with their huge pink umbrellas, so the next time you meet one, at least you know how to carry your own.

  • Avoid moving with your umbrella like a retard. This involve swinging it by your side, in front of you or basically anywhere other than above your head.
  • Do not strut in any form when walking the rainy streets. Walk, run if necessary, but no strutting and no skipping. You only see them in movies.
  • If you do not want to look like an idiot, do not twirl your umbrella.
  • Although, you can play sad emotions under the rain, but please, always look ahead. Avoid walking into somebody, not to mention other obstacles. You don't wanna see yourself embarrassed with your precious umbrella.
  • When walking on a narrow path, and you see someone coming towards you (either with or without umbrella), be courteous to lift your umbrella up. You don't wanna mess with them by scarring their face with yours. They don't have to be reminded that they're too dense not to bring their own. Do not wait until the last minute possible to raise your umbrella. Do not play chicken with them, raise ahead of time and smile.
  • Please choose reasonably when buying an umbrella. If you know you'll be walking alone most of the time, please buy smaller ones. Folded ones are also available in the market so you don't have to make the famous excuse that umbrellas are just excess baggages. And please, buy umbrellas that last under heavy rains. Do not resort to umbrellas that are good for 3 and a half use.
  • When you reach your destination such as an indoor facility, retract and shake of your umbrella before entering the venue. Have some courtesy for the one mopping the floor.
  • What comes around goes around. When you met someone who doesn't share the same manners that you have learn with these rules, do not go down to their level. Do not resort to a verbal argument with them, they'll never understand. Just pray, that along their way, others will teach them the pleasure of being splashed and scratched.

These rules are nothing if you do not follow the most forgettable one. That is "Do not forget your umbrella!"

But if you happen to forget so, just cut the crap. People like us who usually don't bring umbrellas are care-free individuals. We live life as it is. Enjoy the rain and a couple of jackets will do.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Big Fish

As a weekend habit, I used to spend midnights catching up some old films that would probably be fitting to my current mood. Alas, last Saturday, I was able to get a copy of this 2003 movie entitled Big Fish. This drama-fantasy flick was referred by a friend in Dubai who most likely thinks that we share the same interest in terms of picking subjects for books and films (of course, weird subject it is). Well, she's right. I did like and enjoy this film. And at most part of it, I found myself laughing and smiling alone.

Here are some quotes that I picked:

Young Ed Bloom: There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost, the ship has sailed and that only a fool will continue. The truth is I've always been a fool.
(This is me, speaking to myself...always a fool)


Senior Ed Bloom: They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.
(Wahahahaha...better watch the slow motion)


(A poem his working for 12-years, written on a notepad)

Norther Winslow: The grass so green. Skies so blue. Spectre is really great!
(This scene is a perfect laugh-trip. Steve Buscemi is a really great actor.)


Young Ed Bloom: Now I may not have much, but i have more determination than any man you're likely to ever meet.
(Perseverance and Determination are two different things, right?)

(On a different scene) Young Ed Bloom: There are some fish that cannot be caught. It's not they're faster or stronger than other fish. They're just touched by something extra. (Just like my fish).

I could have written a dozen of things but I wont take away what lightness it could probably give you, so better take a glance of it.

Truth of the matter is, I'm having a hard time digging today because I'm busy thinking of that fish. Not that fish but that fish. Oh Fish!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Webpage Idiot Day

This day should be dedicated to those who suffer from the same dilemma when it comes to Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Sheet Style. We should call it the "Webpage Idiot Day!"

I used up my whole office hours today trying to figure out how can I manipulate my blogs' template the way I want it. However, due to lack of IT skills, I was unsuccessful today...just today.

Yes. I admit it. I am no genius when it comes to web page craze. Good thing, we have resources. We can revert to the old fashioned self help books to the numerous site on the web for some guides, references, articles and easy step by step tutorials from html basics to css advanced. We just have to admit that we know nothing at all about it or much better, ask for a help from a friend. Nobody is an island especially when your dealing with codes and cyber thingy.

Thought for the day:
Patience is a virtue...

I may not learned the whole thing this day, but definitely in the future, I would go back to this entry and be proud of what I have done.

By the way, you may find this site helpful...fellow idiot!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Resignation Letter

To whom it may concern:

Good day!

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as Recruitment Consultant effective immediately.

Thank you for the opportunities of professional and personal development that you have provided during my stay here in the company.

I have enjoyed working for the company and appreciate the support provided during my tenure with the company.

If I can be of any help during this transition, please let me know.




Now back to reality...when can I use this one... ? *sigh*

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do a thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take things for granted. A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. And most of us live somewhere in the middle.

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Weekend List

§ Go home late…atleast you don’t have to worry the following morning.

§ Visit the one you love. Nothing beats this. Believe me. Better to cancel your other commitments but not the one where your heart is.

§ Cook some dinner. If you can’t cook for yourself then cook for someone. At least you’re making your life worth living.

§ Try to review some films. You might need what you’ll learn from this on the following days.

§ Feed the fish and clean the tank too.

§ See if you can do some evironmental things like watering the plant. Do some flower gardening because it cleanses your senses. And do not forget the birds. They too, need your care.

§ And do not forget to go to your sanctuary. Try to find yourself there.

I dont have a complete list. I'll think while I'm on it. Add your ideas too.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Just Listen

I’ve got two things to share: I can’t toil when I’m not moved and those things are just normal, aren’t they?

Now back to regular programming.

Some years ago, I was entangled with my so called passion for things that are hard to think through. For great instance, I enjoy listening to songs which lyrically I do not understand due to language barrier. Most of my friends would just find it weird, but then again, I just tell them “weird is nice”. So be it.

I would turn to google for the English translation just to figure out what I’m dealing with and to my amusement, the words are just the way I expected them to be. After that, I would wonder how I fell for that song. Maybe because the melody catches your heart first before the lyrics just like in the Music and Lyrics flick. Still, I find it very interesting or it’s just mere coincidence. It’s just I don’t care If I can not understand the artist, but as long as we have connection, it’s all fine.

As they say, music is a universal language. As I say, you don’t have to understand – just listen.