While rainy days are far from leaving our country, maybe it’s still a perfect time to relive the umbrella etiquette. Once in a while we usually get irritated by those who don’t act well with their huge pink umbrellas, so the next time you meet one, at least you know how to carry your own.
- Avoid moving with your umbrella like a retard. This involve swinging it by your side, in front of you or basically anywhere other than above your head.
- Do not strut in any form when walking the rainy streets. Walk, run if necessary
, but no strutting and no skipping. You only see them in movies.
- If you do not want to look like an idiot, do not twirl your umbrella.
- Although, you can play sad emotions under the rain, but please, always look ahead. Avoid walking into somebody, not to mention other obstacles. You don't wanna see yourself embarrassed with your precious umbrella.
- When walking on a narrow path, and you see someone coming towards you (either with or without umbrella), be courteous to lift your umbrella up. You don't wanna mess with them by scarring their face with yours. They don't have to be reminded that they're too dense not to bring their own. Do not wait until the last minute possible to raise your umbrella. Do not play chicken with them, raise ahead of time and smile.
- Please choose reasonably when buying an umbrella. If you know you'll be walking alone most of the time, please buy smaller ones. Folded ones are also available in the market so you don't have to make the famous excuse that umbrellas are just excess baggages. And please, buy umbrellas that last under heavy rains. Do not resort to umbrellas that are good for 3 and a half use.
- When you reach your destination such as an indoor facility, retract and shake of your umbrella before entering the venue. Have some courtesy for the one mopping the floor.
- What comes around goes around. When you met someone who doesn't share the same manners that you have learn with these rules, do not go down to their level. Do not resort to a verbal argument with them, they'll never understand. Just pray, that along their way, others will teach them the pleasure of being splashed and scratched.

But if you happen to forget so, just cut the crap. People like us who usually don't bring umbrellas are care-free individuals. We live life as it is. Enjoy the rain and a couple of jackets will do.
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